Proposition. Let X follow bin(n,p).
If np and n(1−p) are large enough, then X approximately follows a normal distribution N(np,np(1−p)).
In other words, if Y follows N(np,np(1−p)), and a is a positive integer, then P(X≤a)=B(a;n,p)≈P(Y≤a+0.5)=P(Z≤np(1−p)a+0.5−np)=Φ(np(1−p)a+0.5−np). _(The 0.5 in the equation is for continuity correction, since the binomial distribution is discrete but normal distributions are continuous.)
Rule of thumb: If np>10 and n(1−p)>10, this approximation can be used.
Ex. A fair coin is tossed 400 times. What is the probability that the number of heads is between 180 and 220?
Let X be the number of heads; X follows bin(400,0.5).
We want to find P(180≤X≤220)=P(X≤220)−P(X≤179).
We don’t want to have a binomial table that’s hundreds of pages long for many values of n all the way up to 400, so we can instead approximate this value with a standard normal table.
Definition.X follows an exponential distribution with parameter λ>0 if its pdf is of the form f(x;λ)={λe−λx0x>0otherwise In this case, we say X follows Exp(λ).
Expected Value
Relation to Poisson Process
We are interested in studying this distribution because of its relation to the Poisson process.
Proposition. Suppose X(s,t) is the number of arrivals between time s and time t, and that X is a Poisson process with parameter α, i.e. X(s,t) follows Pois(α(t−s)).
Let Ti be the time of the ith arrival. Then Ti+1−Ti follows exp(α). (Here, Ti+1−Ti represents the duration of time between two consecutive arrivals.)