Definition. A continuous random variable X is said to follow a normal distribution with parameter μ and σ2, where σ>0, if its pdf is f(x;μ,σ)=2πσ21e−2σ2(x−μ)2=2πσ21exp(−2σ2(x−μ)2). In this case, we write X follows N(μ,σ2).
Additionally, E(X)=μ and V(X)=σ2. We can prove this ourselves:
E(X)yE(X)=∫−∞∞x⋅2πσ21e−2σ2(x−μ)2dx=σx−μ=∫−∞∞2π1(yσ+μ)e−2y2dy=2πσ∫−∞∞ye−2y2dy+2πμ∫−∞∞e−2y2dy=2πσ⋅0+2πμ⋅2π=μ We know that the left integral is 0 because it’s an odd function, and the right integral is 2π because it’s the Gaussian integral (look this up on your own). V(X) can be calculated in a similar way.
Standard Normal Distribution (N(0,1))
Note what happens to the pdf of the normal distribution as the parameters change. Changing μ simply shifts the function left and right, while lowering σ causes the function to "bunch up" around μ and raising it causes it to "spread out".
Because of this, we can just focus on the simplest case of parameters (μ=0,σ2=1) and still understand the entire family of normal distributions. N(0,1) is thus called the standard normal distirbution.
We use Z to denote an RV of standard normal distribution (Z follows N(0,1)). The pdf of Z is f(x;0,1)=2π1e−2x2. This function is called the standard normal curve.
Properties of N(0,1)
The inflection points of f(x;0,1) are at 1 and −1. (These are the points where f′′(x)=0)
The cdf of Z, denoted as Φ(x)=P(Z≤x), is ∫−∞x2π1e−2y2dy. There is no closed form for Φ, so we need to use a standard normal table to calculate it.
Important Percentiles of N(0,1)
The (100p)th percentile of N(0,1) is η(p), which satisfies Φ(η(p))=P(Z≤η(p)). Here’s a table of important values of η(p): pη(p)∣∣0.91.28∣∣0.951.645∣∣0.9751.96∣∣0.992.33∣∣0.9952.58∣∣0.9993.08
Critical Values of Z (Zα)
Given 0<α<1, we set Zα to the value satisfying P(Z≥Zα)=1−Φ(Zα)=α.(This is essentially the same concept as percentiles, but with a different notation.)
Proposition. Let X follow N(μ,σ2). Then Z=σx−μ follows N(0,1), which we can prove by performing the same change of variable we used to calculate E(X).