Exponential Distribution and Poisson Process cont.
Ex. Suppose 0=T1≤T2≤T3≤... are the arrival times of the ith bus (i=1,2,3...), and Ti+1−Ti follows exp(α) for all i.
What is the probability that the first bus arrives after a time t? P(T1>t)=1−P(T1≤t)=1−(1−e−αt)=e−αt.
If you arrive at the bus stop at time 0, what is the expected waiting time to get on a bus? E(T1)=α1.
Suppose you’ve already waited for t0 minutes. What is the probability that you’ll need to wait at least another t minutes? P(T1≥t+t0∣T1>t0)=P(T1≥t0)P({T1≥t+t0}∩{T1≥t0})=P(T1≥t0)P(T1≥t+t0)=e−αt0e−α(t+t0)=e−αt=P(T1≥t). We’re able to get rid of the intersect here because P(T1≥t+t0) is a subset of P(T1≥t0) – the left will always be true when the right is (but not the other way around).
Note the fact that the value of t0 is irrelevant to our final result. This is called the memoryless property of exp(α) – what has happened in the past will not affect the future results for this distribution. In other words, P(X≥t+t0∣X≥t0)=P(X≥t) for any t0>0 when X follows exp(α).
Gamma Distribution
Consider the same scenario as the last section. Suppose you arrive at the bus stop at t0. What’s the probability that you midd the nth bus?
In other words, what is P(Tn≤t0)? To answer this, we need to introduce a new distribution.
Gamma Function
Definition. The Gamma function Γ(α) is defined for α>0 as Γ(α)=∫0∞xα−1e−xdx.
Properties of the Gamma Function
When α=n and n is a positive integer, then Γ(α)=(n−1)!.
Γ(α)=(α−1)⋅Γ(α−1) for all α>1.
Gamma Distribution Definition
Definition. We say a continuous RV X follows the Gamma distribution with parameters α>0,β>0 if its pdf is f(x;α,β)={βαΓ(α)1xα−1e−βx0x≥0otherwise In this case, we say X follows Γ(α,β).
In the special case when β=1, we call Gamma(α,1) the standard Gamma distribution.
Nonstandard Gamma Distributions
Proposition. If X follows Gamma(α,β), then βX follows Gamma(α,1).
Proof. P(βX≤x)=P(X≤βx)=∫0βxβαΓ(α)1yα−1e−βydy=∫0xβαΓ(α)1(βz)α−1e−zβdz=∫0xΓ(α)1zα−1e−zdz=P(Z≤x), where Z follows Gamma(α,1), so therefore βX=Z.
After this he calculated the expected value and variance for the Gamma distribution but I wasn’t fast enough to type it; please look it up in the textbook.
When Z follows Gamma(α,1), P(Z≤x)=F(x;α)=∫0xΓ(α)yα−1e−ydy. This equation has no closed form; F(x;α) is called the incomplete Gamma function, and there is a table for it in the textbook.
When X follows Gamma(α,β), P(X≤x)=P(X≤βx)=F(βx;α), where F is again the incomplete Gamma function.