To recap: two events A and B are independent if and only if P(A∣B)=P(A), and dependent otherwise.
Important: Just because two events are dependent does not mean that one event was caused by the other; that is to say, dependence is not the same as causality. In statistics, we only study the correlation between events.
- Independence is symmetric: P(A∣B)=P(A)↔P(B∣A)=P(B).
- If A and B are independent, then A′ and B are also independent:
- A and B are independent if and only if P(A∩B)=P(A)⋅P(B).
Ex. Toss a coin ten times.
ABC={first 9 tosses are all H}={10th toss is T}={at least one T within the first 9 tosses}
- A and B are independent: they care about different tosses
- A and C are dependent: C=A′, so they are disjoint and disjoint events are always dependent
- B and C are independent: they also care about different tosses
Definition. Given events A1,A2...An, we say they are mutually independent if, for every k=2,3,...n and every subset of indices i1,i2...ik, P(Ai1∩Ai2∩Ai3...∩Aik)=P(Ai1)⋅P(Ai2)...P(Aik).
For instance, if we want to determine if A1,A2,A3 are mutually independent, then all of the following equations must hold:
- k=2: 3 equations
- P(A1∩A2)=P(A1)⋅P(A2)
- P(A1∩A3)=P(A1)⋅P(A3)
- P(A2∩A3)=P(A2)⋅P(A3)
- k=3: 1 equation
- P(A1∩A2∩A3)=P(A1)⋅P(A2)⋅P(A3)
The number of equations needed to check grows exponentially, so you probably won’t be asked to check more than three events.
Ex. Roll a die twice. A1A2A3={first roll is 3}={second roll is 4}={sum of the two rolls is 7} Are these events mutually independent?
- k=2:
- 361=P(A1∩A2)=P(A1)⋅P(A2)=61⋅61
- 361=P(A1∩A3)=P(A1)⋅P(A3)=61⋅61
- 361=P(A2∩A3)=P(A2)⋅P(A3)=61⋅61
- k=3:
- 361=P(A1∩A2∩A3)=P(A1)⋅P(A2)⋅P(A3)=61⋅61⋅61
Because all of the k=2 cases are true, we call these events pairwise independent. However, the k=3 case is false, so they are not mutually independent.
Random Variables
We have already studied the probability of random outcomes occurring quantitatively, but we also want to be able to quantitatively study the outcomes themselves. Often these already have a numerical value associated with them (like a die roll), but sometimes they don’t (like a coin flip). In these cases we can create our own mapping to numerical values, for instance: {H,T}→{1,0}.
Definition. Given a sample space of some experiment, a random variable is a rule that associates a value with each outcome in S; that is, a random variable X is a mapping from S to R. X:S→R.